We are now offering Family Mediation at the Donegal Parent and Family Support Service. We aim to offer an appointment for you within 10 days, and no later than three weeks.
What is mediation?
Mediation is a service to help couples who have decided to separate or divorce or who have already separated to come to agreement in relation to decisions about their children. It is a confidential and voluntary service where you both, with the assistance of the mediators try to reach an agreement to resolve the dispute. The mediators will draft an agreement which sets out what you both have agreed.
What issues can be mediated?
- Guardianship
- Access (Parenting)
- Custody
- Child Maintenance
What happens?
A trained mediator will help you to negotiate your own terms of agreement in a safe environment while addressing the needs of all involved. Mediation allows both parties to make their own decisions, rather than going to court and having a judge make them for you.
Mediation can be an effective, cheaper and quicker alternative to court. To find out more contact us on 0749131245 or email Sally.mooney@dpfss.ie